How Many Deaths Occur Each Year From Traumatic Bleeding, And How They Can Be Prevented?

How Many Deaths Occur Each Year From Traumatic Bleeding, And How They Can Be Prevented?

How Many Deaths Occur Each Year From Traumatic Bleeding?

How Can They Be Prevented?

When it comes to learning how to save lives in your local community, you might be surprised to discover how many people die each year as a result of traumatic hemorrhaging. Today we’re going to share with you the staggering statistics for this type of death and why this is such a concerning issue for communities around the world. On top of that, we’re here to suggest some of the best ways you can STOP THE BLEED® and use a bleeding control kit to help save a life in the future.

Deaths from Blood Loss Each Year

Each year, roughly 60,000 people in the US die from blood loss. Around the world, this number increases to a whopping two million people, and roughly 1.5 million of these deaths were caused by physical trauma. When talking about the efforts of the STOP THE BLEED® organization, we are usually focused on using bleeding control kits to stop visible wounds from losing more blood. However, it’s important to keep in mind that you can also bleed to death even when you don’t physically see the blood. Both internal bleeding and external bleeding are huge concerns for our population, but there are signs you can look out for with either of these. Our bleeding control kits are the ideal way to overcome external bleeding and could come in handy at any point in your work or personal life.

As you can imagine, there are a wide range of incidents that can cause deaths from blood loss. Common injuries in the US include crush injuries, such as those experienced in car accidents and any form of cut or laceration to the skin. The number of gunshot wounds has increased in recent years, as have stabbing wounds and injuries. The figures we shared above are a result of both crimes and accidents, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that there are often ways to STOP THE BLEED® if help is at hand on time. By acting quickly and correctly when dealing with blood loss, the number of deaths each year could soon decrease as the public is made more aware of this issue.

Quick Bleeding Control to Save Lives

One of the most shocking facts about the number of deaths due to blood loss is that 20% of people who died from a traumatic injury could have been saved with the right and timely response. That’s why people need to think about having bleeding control kits to hand in their workplaces and homes. STOP THE BLEED®  offers free courses to people around the country, and by following their three-step simple plan, people would be far more likely to act appropriately. While we know it can be hard to react correctly in an emergency, with the right knowledge and experience, you’ll be far more likely to save a life.

The time it takes to bleed to death will depend on the severity of the accident or trauma. While most of us could lose up to 14% of our blood without risk of death, more severe injuries mean in just five minutes, someone could lose too much blood to survive. If quick action is not taken and the body continues to lose blood, you’ll find that it enters into a state of shock, and at some point, it becomes too late to treat the patient.

How Much Blood Does the Human Body Need?

The average man has roughly five or six liters of blood in their body, but this reduces to four to five liters for a smaller woman. Of course, your weight and size will impact this, but these are the average statistics for the population. If you lose 20% of your blood, this is when hemorrhagic shock begins. Your body will no longer be able to pump blood through the body, causing your organs to stop functioning. Exsanguination, which is the severe loss of blood, is when this increases to 40% of your blood. This is when the condition is likely to become fatal unless you can act quickly and follow the recommended guidelines from Stop The Bleed.

How Can Bleeding Control Kits Save Lives?

Now that you’ve seen some of the terrifying statistics as far as blood loss and the number of deaths this causes, it’s time to think about what you can do to help reduce these statistics. We never know when we might be a witness to this type of incident, which is why we recommend everyone invests in bleeding control kits for both their workplace and home. A bleeding control kit will offer you all of the tools you need in an emergency, including tourniquets, hemostatic gauze, and emergency trauma dressing. When these are applied correctly following the advice from STOP THE BLEED®, you’ll be more likely to control the bleeding and help someone to remain in a stable condition until further medical assistance arrives.

Stop The Bleed shares a simple flowchart that can help you to progress through the treatment that’s needed following a traumatic injury. Many people panic during an emergency, but having a good idea of what you can do to minimize the bleeding is the first step to using a bleeding control kit successfully. When you pack the wound with hemostatic gauze, as opposed to the tools you would have in a basic first aid kit, the chance of survival increases dramatically. This is why we highly recommend any business owner and homeowner invests in these kits, which can be placed in an easy to access area to act immediately. Depending on where the bleeding site is, you’ll want to follow the chart we shared to act in the most appropriate manner to save someone’s life.

Bleeding control kits are one of the best tools to help save someone’s life. Take a look through the full selection of products on our site, which offer you all of the supplies you would need to act quickly in an emergency situation in the

Brian Graddon
Article written by

Brian Graddon

Brian is a former Firefighter Paramedic who also worked as a SWAT Medic, Engineer, and Captain over a 15-year career. Brian is devoted to providing life-saving information based on his first hand experience in life-saving application of tourniquets, hemostatic gauze, chest seals and other bleeding control products.

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