Active Shooter Statistics

Active Shooter Statistics - Annual List of Key Facts [2022]

The FBI published active shooter statistics for the calendar year 2022 in April this year. According to their data, there were 50 active shooter incidents in 2022. These incidents primarily occurred in public places such as open spaces, shopping centers, government buildings, and places of worship. Some active shooter events also occurred in schools and residences.

Because gun violence is still a serious issue in the United States, it’s important to prepare for these kinds of emergencies before they occur. Understanding the statistics and figures concerning active shooters can aid in your preparation and perhaps save your life or the lives of others.

What Is the Definition of an Active Shooter Incident?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security describes active shooters as "[individuals] actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearm[s], and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims." 

Active shooter incidents are highly unpredictable and can develop rapidly. Usually, to stop the shooting and lessen injury to the victims, law enforcement must be sent in right away. In addition, bleeding from gunshot wounds must be stopped immediately in order to prevent death. If a victim is bleeding heavily, it's critical to apply direct pressure to the wound and use a tourniquet if the wound is located on an extremity. A person can bleed out in a matter of minutes if severe bleeding is not addressed.

Which Type of Weapon Is Most Often Used During Active Shooter Events?

Among the 50 active shooter incidents that occurred in 2022, 61 firearms were used by shooters. Handguns were the most commonly utilized weapon. The active shooter used multiple firearms in nine incidents. The following is a breakdown of the types of firearms used by shooters in the active shooter incidents:

  • 29 handguns
  • 26 rifles
  • 3 shotguns
  • 3 unspecified firearms

How Often Do Active Shooter Incidents Occur?

According to active shooter statistics compiled by the FBI, active shooter events happened on every day of the week in 2022, with Sunday having the highest number of occurrences. 

The frequency and number of active shooter incidents in 2022 is broken down as follows: 

  • Nine active shooter episodes occurred in May, the most of any month, while only one incident occurred in January and September.
  • Active shooter incidents were much more likely to occur between 12:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m.
  • There were 32 active shooter events (or 64% of the total active shooting incidents) from Monday through Friday.
  • When compared to 2021, Sunday had the highest rise in active shooter incidents (from 6 to 12) in 2022, while Saturday had the greatest drop in active shooter events (from 14 down to 6).

Tragically, according to a recent ABC News piece, there have already been 484 mass shooting incidents in 2023, which equates to almost two mass shootings every day.

Where Do Most Active Shooter Incidents Occur?

Active shooter incidents can occur at any time and in any space. However, the 50 active shooter incidents that took place in 2022 happened more frequently in open spaces. The following are the locations where most of the active shooter situations occurred in 2022:

  • 23 of the 50 events occurred in public areas.
  • 14 of the 50 events occurred in areas of commerce.
  • 4 of the 50 events occurred in schools or residences.
  • 2 of the 50 events occurred at places of worship or on government premises.
  • 1 of the 50 events occurred at a healthcare facility.

What Is the Average Number of People Wounded in Active Shooter Attack Events?

According to a press release from the FBI, there was an increase in active shooter incidents from 2017 to 2021. The number of people wounded in an active shooter occurrence increased by 52.1% in 2022 compared to 2021—the greatest rise in five years. 

While the number of people killed in 2022 decreased by 2.9% from 2021 (100 deaths), casualties caused by active shooter incidents remained higher than the 2018-2021 average (82.25 deaths). In contrast, the number of persons injured in an active shooter assault increased in 2022 (213 injured) when compared to the average number of people injured in active shooter incidents from 2018 to 2021. 

How Can I Prepare and Stay Safe?

Facts show that while a few active shooter events are unplanned and motivated by emotions, most active shootings are planned. Therefore, adhering to active shooter prevention tips may help you stay safe in an unexpected shooting event. Official protocols advise victims to run, hide, and as a very last resort—fight (if their life is in danger). 

Additionally, having a bleeding control kit on hand may save your life or the life of a victim since traumatic bleeding from a gunshot wound can be fatal. Follow protocols, be ready to stop bleeding from a gunshot wound, and stay up to date with active shooter facts so that you can better identify potentially volatile situations.

Prepare Ahead and Follow Instructions

While most active shooter events are planned, there is generally no pattern or order to how an active shooter will choose its victims. You can, however, arm yourself with life-saving knowledge, skills, and tools ahead of time to help improve active shooter survival rates if an incident happens near you.

If you find yourself in an active shooter attack, try to remain calm but take immediate action. Look for evacuation routes and do your best to get to the safest place possible until law enforcement officers arrive. Then, stop bleeding from gunshot wounds in yourself and any injured victims around you to help as many people as possible make it through the ordeal alive.

Brian Graddon

Article written by

Brian Graddon

Brian is a former Firefighter Paramedic who also worked as a SWAT Medic, Engineer, and Captain over a 15-year career. Brian is devoted to providing life-saving information based on his first hand experience in life-saving application of tourniquets, hemostatic gauze, chest seals and other bleeding control products.

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